"Parent involvement in education is like the frosting on a cupcake, it makes it complete and oh so sweet."
The Involved Parent Network is designed to do one of two things… reduce the costs of operation at the school or increase its revenues through fundraising. Since everyone is contributing… everyone benefits equally: We have reduced the base tuition to reflect the anticipated fundraising goals. But, what we ask in return is that families contribute 20 volunteer hours to the school (10 for single parent situations).
Below is a list of currently available volunteer opportunities for fundraising events:
Fall Dessert & Benefit Auction
Spring Fund Drive
Golf Tournament
& a Variety of Hospitality Events
Because some people have busy lifestyles or are committed to other organizations and have no time (or in some cases talent) they can do their part by making a voluntary donation to the Tuition Assistance Fund (recommended minimum amount this year is $800).
Most of our fundraising efforts are concentrated outside the school family (or to relatives of current students), alumni parents, and supportive business owners. However, we do expect our families to participate in school events like a golf tournament and auction as much as possible because these are great ways to introduce their family and friends to the school, its mission, and community. Whether participating for volunteer hours or just attending and having a blast with friends, we what the school family to help support and promote the school in a manner that isn’t cumbersome or overwhelming.
If you have questions about the volunteer program please call the Development Office (519-648-2114, ext. 141) or email volunteer@woodland.on.ca.