Support the Vision & Mission of Woodland Christian High School
Woodland Christian High School is an independent school which receives no government funding. We rely on tuition payments from parents and on gifts from friends of the school to fund our operations. Donations can be made in person at the school, mailed directly, or securely online through Tax receipts will be issued for all donations. When paying online, you may designate where in the school’s operation you would like your gift to be used.
We deeply appreciate your support. Please make online donations through the Christian School Foundation's online giving portal.
Areas of Support
We ask that every member of our school community consider giving — there are many different ways in which your giving could make a big impact in the lives of our students. We want you to match your interests to giving opportunities that will fulfill Woodland’s mission and to areas that ensure the continued progress toward excellence.
You can give to Woodland Christian High School with confidence, knowing that your gift has an immediate impact and enables the school to advance specific priorities that directly benefit students, families, and teachers.
We have identified several strategic areas allow members of our community to partner with us in ongoing support and development.
The Strategic Seven:
1. Tuition Assistance
2. Faith Development & Service Trips
3. Special Services & Academic Support
4. Fine Arts
5. Technology
6. Sciences
7. Athletics
Leaving a Legacy
Help us ensure Woodland’s future and the continual equipping of young people for lives of Christian faith and service through planned giving.
Types of Deferred Gifts:
- Charitable Bequests in your will
- Life Insurance (proceeds upon death)
- Charitable Gift Annuities
- Charitable remainder trust
- Residual interest
- Revocable Deposit Agreements
- Endowment Gifts
- Gifts of RRSPs or RRIFs
In addition, the Christian School Foundation is available to provide gift planning expertise counsel and services to all interested potential donors in Canada.
Your gifts can be directed toward the school or given to the school through the Christian School Foundation.
For more information please contact the Director of Development.
How to Make a Gift
As in all independent schools, Woodland Christian High School relies on private support to help provide the best opportunities for its students. Each year Woodland looks to its parents, alumni, Board of Directors, business people and other Woodland friends to provide funding through annual giving, financial aid, planned giving, and capital gifts. Our goal to equip students for lives of Christian faith and service, would not be possible without this private and corporate support. Thank you for considering a gift to Woodland Christian High School.
Woodland accepts gifts of cash, cheque, or online donation.
- Cheques should be made payable to Woodland Christian High School and may be designated to the Tuition Assistance Fund, Capital Fund, or General Fund. All non-designated gifts will be directed to one of these funds at the discretion of the Business Administrator.
- To make other types of gifts (ie. bequests, securities, or will planning) contact the Development Office at 519-648-2114 ext: 141 or co-ordinate your giving through Christian Stewardship Services free of charge.
Christian Stewardship Services (
Suite 214A – 500 Alden Road
Markham, ON
L3R 5H5
(800) 267-8890
Fax: 905.947.9263